Wedding Gifts

Your attendance is enough…

However, if you don’t want to come empty handed

To Our Family…

To our beloved family,

Having you all there with us, dressed to the nines, is the greatest gift we could ask for.

If you feel inclined to give us something extra, we would truly appreciate contributions towards the cost of the Live Wedding Painter who will be capturing our special day. This will make the final painting even more meaningful to us. Please feel free to bring any contributions in a card on the day.

To Our Friends…

All we ever needed to make this day special was your presence. Having our friends dressed to impress and celebrating our big day with us is what truly makes it memorable.

If you feel inclined to bring a gift, a small contribution to our honeymoon fund would be greatly appreciated. We’re looking forward to romantic dinners as husband and wife, and your support would make them even more special.

Simply include your contribution in a card and bring it with you on the night.